Massage with two girls

Only in our salon you are invited to the Royal erotic massage: it is performed by two girls. You get an excellent way to relax and unwind in body and mind.

If you want to be in the company of two charming ladies, be sure to check out “Royal Massage” with the two masters of our salon. A bright, rich erotic show awaits you: two lovely girls will glide over your entire body, resorting to the help of essential oils. Each of the sorceress will want to prove her superiority to you: both massage therapists use a variety of attractive movements, they will give you the extraordinary charm of a sweet bliss. Believe me, you could only dream of such a thing before.

In addition, at your request, you can supplement the action with a classic four-hand massage: it will allow you to relax every cell, you will feel how all the muscles of your body are relaxed at the same time: you will experience truly heavenly pleasure and do not want it to end. For 45 minutes, the girls will work out each muscle group – from the tips of the toes to the cones of the fingers: they will carefully stretch your legs, feet, buttocks, lower back, back, neck, shoulders, arms …